Grace United Holiness Church was founded by Bishop Ricky B. Wilson in June 2005. It is built upon the teachings of the apostles and set up on the true foundation established over 2000 years ago. In the short history of the church, God has blessed in awesome ways through the baptism in Jesus name of several souls, the joining of numerous families to the church family, and the relocation of the church from a hotel in Winston-Salem, NC to its current location in Kernersville, NC.
Currently, Grace United has four Sunday School classes (primary, junior, young adult, and adult), a missionary department, and other programs in progress.
We are so thankful that we have been able to accomplish so much that God has given to our pastor as the Vision for Grace United Holiness Church. We have seen souls turn to God, and the ministry of this church grow. We have aslo seen God entrust to us new families since the church's humble beginnings.
All of this would not have been possible if it had not been for the grace and mercy of a mighty God. The Kingdom principle of bringing souls unto Him by the preachings of the Word of God has never been more needed than in this day and time.